05 September 2011

Opinions of Games

So, I don’t know why, but I got the randomest urge to make a list of a buttload of games…and all kinds of games…and tell you what I honestly think of them.  So, I’ll keep the intro short and sweet, and here we go!


Description:  The game where someone is ‘it’, and they run around and try to tag someone else so they are now ‘it’.

When I was little: I loved it…to a degree

Now: I think it’s too much work running around, and I prefer a slower game that doesn’t involve so much physical exertion…unless you change the rules so you can only walk or something haha


Description:  Everyone hides, and the person who is ‘it’ counts to whatever, and has to go find the people who are it.  It varies, depending on the game and who makes the rules, sometimes there’s a base, other times, there isn’t.

When I was little: Thought it was amazing

Now:  Still think it is pretty amazing

Making a Fort

Description:  Although not a game, still fun.  You take blankets and a few chairs/table or whatever, and lay the blankets over the chairs or table so there is a huge open area in the middle.  What you do in the fort is up to you.

When I was little: Loved it.

Now: LOVE IT!  And now, since I’m older, forts seem even more fun!  If that’s even possible.

Truth or Dare

Description:  Someone asks another person “Truth or Dare”, the person picks, then the person who asks gives them either a truth or a dare to complete.

When I was little:  Thought it was stupid.

Now:  I think it’s even more stupid.  Especially since I’m in college now.  Like, okay that’s a game you play when you’re like 13.  Not when you’re 18 and up.  I mean, come on, seriously?  It’s stupid and pointless and even though some people may think it’s fun, it’s a good way to catch mono or herpes or other diseases…depending on the dare.  Ugh.  Probably my least favorite game in existence.


Description:  A board game where the goal is to get all the properties and money you can, stay out of jail, and build your heart out.  I think it’s supposed to represent life or something

When I was little:  It confused me

Now: …I’ll play it occasionally, but again, not one of my favorites.


Description:  A card game where everyone starts out with 7 cards, and you try to get groups of 3 of a kind, or a suit of at least 3 cards…and…there’s a lot more…but…it’s awesome.

When I was little:  Mom taught me, and I loved it

Now:  I still love it, and it’s my favorite card game.


Description:  A card game where there’s stuff…and like…betting…and…I don’t even know.

Variation:  Strip Poker

When I was little:  Didn’t understand it

Now:  …still don’t understand it.


Description:  A card game where two people each get the same number of cards to begin with.  You each place a card face up and whoever’s card is the higher one gets both the cards.  If both are the same card, then you go ‘I declare war’ and then whoever’s card is higher gets all the cards.

When I was little:  Thought it was cool, but never played it much

Now:  I’ll play it…but it takes forever to finish!


Description:  A game of strategy where the goal is to put the king in checkmate.  It’s more complicated than that, but you get the gist.

When I was little:  I could play it…but I never knew how to finish the game

Now:  I can play it…but I still don’t really know how to finish a game.


Description:  It’s a game I played at day camp and girl scouts where you sit in a circle and slap the next person’s hand and you go around the circle like that, singing the song, and when you get to the end of the song, if the person whose hand is going to be slapped doesn’t move their hand, they lose. 

When I was little:  Loved it

Now:  I love it, but either people have never heard of it, or you can’t find many people willing to play it. 


Description:  One group is red, one black, and the goal is to jump the other person’s pieces, make their pieces kings, and get the opponent’s pieces off the board.

When I was little:  I was beast at it

Now:  I’m still beast at it


Description:  A card game where 2 people each get half a deck of cards, and you keep laying down cards, alternating, until someone puts down a Jack.  When they do, whoever slaps their hand on the pile first gets the whole pile.  And the game continues

When I was little:  Sooooo fun

Now: People don’t like to play little-kid card games.  They’re all about poker or whatever.


Description:  Two people each have a board where they place naval ship pieces in any way they want, and the goal is to try and guess where all the other player’s pieces are.

When I was little:  One of my favorite games

Now:  I really want to play it…

Crossword Puzzles

Description:  Using clues to try to guess what the right words are

When I was little: Bored me to death.

Now:  They’re pretty awesome.


Description:  A computer game where the goal is to find (and not blow up) a certain number of mines on the field of…I don’t know how many squares

When I was little: It frustrated me

Now:  I love it.  I get addicted to it sometimes when I’m bored


Description:  A card game played on the computer or with a deck of cards where the goal is to get all the cards in their suits in ascending order.

When I was little:  Meh, I had my days

Now:  Meh, I have my days

Free Cell

Description:  A card game where the goal is to do the same as in Solitaire, but all the cards are in front of you…and it’s a lot more complicated and frustrating

When I was little:  Damn that game sucked!

Now:  Meh, I have my days, but I rarely win…

World of Warcraft

Description:  A computer game where you do a bunch of mission and stuff to level up and act awesome.  Played alone or with a group of other people.

When I was little:  Never even heard of it

Now:  …I played a free trial once, and got frustrated because my best friend played it a lot and was awesome (and I wasn’t)…and I haven’t played it since.  Probably a good thing, since I might’ve gotten addicted to it.

New Super Mario Bros (for Nintendo DS)

Description:  Super awesome game, and like any other Mario game, you have to try and save Peach by going through hell in 8 different kingdoms/castles just for the stupid bitch.

When I was little:  I got the game in 7th grade and loved it

Now:  I still love it.  Mario is one of my all-time favorite games/ways to waste time.


Description:  …I honestly don’t know, but I figured I’d include it.  Kinda like Mario, but not

When I was little:  Didn’t get it; I thought Link was actually Zelda, and that confused me

Now:  I still don’t really know; we had a Zelda game for the Wii, but my little sister Lizah played it all the time and I just watched…so…I don’t play it.

Reader Rabbit

Description:  A series of computer games ranging from like…Toddler to 8th grade (or maybe higher) where you learn math and reading skills and such.  Most kids nowadays have never heard of this game.

When I was little:  They were all I played.  I played them ALL THE TIME! And LOVED them!  Honestly, I think that’s what helped make me as smart as I am.  I was playing Kindergarten Reader Rabbit when I was like…a toddler. I was beast.  I think my favorite one was like Math Journey or something…maybe…I don’t know.

Now: …I wish I knew where all our Reader Rabbit games are.  They’d either be boring to me now, or I’d get easily amused and fall in love with them all over again.

Jump Rope

Description:  Using a jump rope to be awesome.

Variations:  Jumping in and out, doing double dutch, etc.

When I was little:  I did it a lot, on my own, and with other people.  I couldn’t jump in and out very much, but I was able to do double dutch…once in a blue moon.

Now:  …I can’t remember the last time I jumped rope (besides gym class)  I haven’t done it for fun in forever.  I’d probably fail horribly at it.


Description:  A board game where the goal is…man…I haven’t played this game in so long I can’t even remember!

When I was little: Played it some, not very much though

Now: …I don’t even remember what the damn thing is about!


Description:  A game where the goal is to get all your pieces from the starting point to your home point.

When I was little: Never heard of it

Now:  I play it occasionally, but I don’t think I do it right haha


Description:  A game where you build words off of each other and try to get more points than the other people

When I was little:  I played it on the computer and loved to cheat.

Now:  I still love to play it…and cheat.

Jigsaw Puzzles

Description:  You take a bunch of puzzle pieces, and put them together.

When I was little: LOVED

Now: LOVE THEM EVEN MORE!  I wish I had one right now to do


Description:  Taking crayons, markers, colored pencils, etc. and using them to fill in a blank picture with a lot of color.

When I was little:  I was beast.

Now:  I still LOVE to color and am an even better beast!


Okay, I’m tired now and have listed probably 25 or so games, so hopefully you know my opinions and stuff of them.  If I missed any, let me know, and I’ll make a sequel to this one. (=