28 May 2011

Senior Reflection

(Even though this time I feel as though I really want to jump into the blog, I’m going to take the time to tell you that the font I’m using is Segoe Print. I use Segoe Script when I talk to people on msn, but I’m just using the Print version of it for this blog. Maybe next time I’ll use the Script. Which looks basically the same…but not. Anyways…)

On the 27th of May, 2011, at 3:35 pm, I made a startling realization.  I realized that I’m graduating in less than two weeks. Graduating.  As in, ending one chapter of my life, and starting a new one.  It’s insane.  It feels like just yesterday I was moving into this house, talking to my neighbor about school.  She had said I looked like I was in 6th grade, and I told her ‘No, I wish. I’m only in 4th’.  She told me that I should treasure my youth. Because when I’m older, I’ll wish I was younger again.  And boy, was she right.  Time flies by so fast…

It feels like just yesterday I was living in Germany, starting Kindergarten, and they had to pull my mother away from me.  I was crying and so was she.  It was a very emotional time.  I remember that day I wasn’t really part of the class..the teacher’s assistant had me go to the back and help her organize all the school supplies because I was so freaked out over being away from my mom. 

I remember losing my first tooth.  I was eating a piece of cake and thought it was a lot more firm then it was…and bit right into it. My tooth came out. My mom cried then too.  My mom has cried an awful lot over the years because of me.  Good and bad. Oh well.

I remember moving from Germany to Virginia and being in Mr. Steiner’s Kindergarten class. I talked during Arthur and had to flip a card. Haha. I was mortified.  The next year I was in the middle of a ‘fight’ and flipped a card then too.  In second grade I flipped a card for talking when the teacher was explaining something.  Jeez I was a bad kid.  In second grade I also forced two kids to kiss on the playground…

Then I moved to Cascade, Maryland, and went to 3rd and part of 4th grade.  It was a cute little school where everyone knew everyone else.  I miss that.

Then, Summitview, WAMS, and finally WASHS, where I’ll be graduating in less than two weeks.  Approximately one week is more realistic.

I wish I could go back in time. Because it just hit me.  I thought to myself yesterday “Wow….I’m really graduating.”  Before then, I was almost in denial.  I was thinking time would just stop, or would go backwards and I wouldn’t have to think about graduating.  But yesterday, I came to accept the fact that I will be graduating.  I’m coming to accept the fact that I’m going away to college and starting my life.  And I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t scared.

It scares me quite a lot actually.  I don’t know anything.  Of course I’ll have people around, hanging in the shadows to assist me when I really need it, but otherwise, I’m utterly on my own.  And I can’t believe that this day has come.

You always think when you’re little “I can’t wait to grow up and be on my own! I can eat what I want, when I want, and have no rules! I can run around naked!” Well, besides the running around naked (at least not in college) it’s true. 

And to this day, I always think “I can’t wait to get out of this house” and honestly, I can’t wait.  I hate living here.  But at the same time, I love it.  Well, I at least love my room.001

See my room?  It’s a little different now, but that wall hasn’t changed much since that picture was taken last year.  I love my room. It’s…mine.  And I want to take it with me to college because I love it…but I can’t.  I just…I can’t.  And it depresses me.  One cultivated their very identity when they create their room.  And I feel that if I leave my room, I’m leaving behind a large piece of me.  And I don’t know if when I return from college during breaks if my room will be the same.  One of my sisters will most likely have moved into it and it won’t be the same.  And even if it is there…I don’t know if it will make me feel as good as it makes me feel now. 

Odd thing for me to do, reminisce about how much my room means to me. But I can’t help it.  It is who I am.

Over the years I’ve really grown up.  I’ve changed.  I’ve had my likes and my dislikes, my obsessions, and I’ve learned.  I’ve learned so much in my short (almost) 18 years on Earth.

But most of all, I’ve learned to love the person who I am today.  I love the person I am. And I hope I always will.

So, on June 7th, when I wear my cap and gown and they hand me my diploma, I know I’ll be ready.  It’ll be scary at first, but I know I’m going to be ready to take on the world.

17 May 2011

Top 10(ish) Favorite Movies…


So.  This font is called Sylfaen…and I’m not sure how it’s pronounced.  Sil-fay-en?  Seal-fen?  Seal-fay-en?  Sil-fen?  Sil-fain?  Probably sil-fain.  But that’s not the point.  The point is that I’m using Sylfaen. However you pronounce it.  And it’s a pretty basic font.  You know, I don’t understand how some of these fonts are different. I mean this font is almost exactly like Times New Roman But just a little more…spread out. And at least I can pronounce Times New Roman.  Which is actually a funny name for a font.  I mean, it doesn’t even make sense. Is it like Times: New Roman?  Or Times New: Roman.  Or is it just meant to be three separate words: Times, New, Roman! Like Lights, Camera, Action!  I don’t get it.  Will someone care to explain?

I go off on rants way too much.

On to the blog!

So, I did a top 10 already with my top 10 favorite foods.

So, this is almost like a sequel.

And I can’t say that it’s my top 10 favorite movies, because in some areas they’re grouped together or tied.  So it’s more like 10ish.  But it still counts as 10 because there are ten slots that they fit into.

So. Here we go!

I think I’ll give a picture of the movie cover and a description about what the movie is about. And these are kind of in order…but not necessarily…

I’m going to work backwards too by the way!

#10: Zombieland

This movie is awesome. Haha, it tends to be one of the movies most guys rave and rant about…but I personally thought it was awesome. Haha I love Zombie movies and this one in particular makes me laugh every time. It’s awesome.

Best part: When they’re at Bill Murray’s house XD

Best quote: “Nut up or shut up”


#9:  The Legend of Billie Jean

This 80’s movie I just find completely amazing. Not only because the theme song is one sung by Pat Benatar (although that’s what made me want to watch the movie to begin with). But I love Billie Jean! Her character is completely badass.  She’s hardcore and just wants justice. Plus, she cut off all her hair to rebel. Like Joan of Arc.  Come on. She rocks.

Best part: After she’s cut her hair and is defending herself on camera. It’s an epic speech.

Best quote: “Fair is fair”


#8:  Streets of Fire

This is another 80’s movie that just totally gets me! My dad was the one who told me about this particular movie, and although it’s not one that’s well known, it’s awesome! The story takes place in another time period…and place that is a little confusing to place, but it’s so cool. And one of my favorite songs is in it.

Best part: When Ellen runs out in the rain to talk to Tom and he just grabs her and kisses her in the rain. It’s amazingly hot.

Best quote: (Like on the movie title and the name of the song that I love) “Tonight is What It Means To Be Young”

#7: The Lion King

The Lion King. The fucking Lion King. Come on…it’s self explanatory! It’s a classic movie from my childhood that I still love and watch to this day.  I sing all the songs and know almost all the words.  It’s awesome! I love Disney movies…they are the shit. You can’t deny it.

Best part: Rafiki hits Simba on the head to try and teach him a lesson about the past. It’s an awesome lesson and I love Rafiki for this part.

Best quote: “Hakuna matata”

#6: Dirty Dancing


…As you can tell, I LOVE 80’s movies. It was an awesome time period in so many ways (Nathan always listens to me rave about how much I love it) and this is a movie that defines awesomeness.  It’s hot and awesome and has like a million different lessons that can be learned. Plus, Patrick Swayze is super sexy in it. Mmmm…

Best part: The song Hungry Eyes is playing and she’s learning how to dance.

Best quote: …it’s not ‘nobody puts baby in a corner’.  Because that’s lame. It’s not even a major part or anything and I don’t know why it’s such a big deal. I mean, yeah it’s cool and everything, but it’s not a major part. Anyways…my favorite quote in this movie is “Me? I'm scared of everything. I'm scared of what I saw, I'm scared of what I did, of who I am, and most of all I'm scared of walking out of this room and never feeling the rest of my whole life the way I feel when I'm with you.”

#5: Phantom of the Opera

Okay. I talked about this breifly in my last blog…but damn. This movie/play is amazing!! Completely amazing! Mmm. I love the Phantom. I would totally marry him and have his babies. So his face is a little deformed. Oh well no one’s perfect. He’s still pretty hot. And his personality is still kind at heart. He just…had people issues. And I don’t blame him. I totally sympathize/empathize with him. Which is why I think I love him more.

Best part: I like the intimate parts between Christine and the Phantom. Especially when she kisses him towards the end.

Best quote: “Love me, that’s all I ask of you”…or “The Phantom of the Opera is there, inside my mind” I like the first one because it’s sweet, and the second one because he is inside my mind XD.  …I’m kind of obsessed.


#4: The Time Traveler’s Wife

Oh my…this is probably one of the best chick flicks ever made. I swear I like every genre of movie.  It’s so amazing…the chemistry between Rachel McAdams and Eric Bana is incredible.  And her love for him…it’s so sweet. It’s the kind of love I want to have. She goes through a lot with him. And she loves him no matter what. Damn. It’s a powerful movie. And one to always make me cry.

Best part: Okay…there are a lot of amazing parts in this movie. But if I had to pick my favorite part, I’d probably pick the whole wedding day scene. From the beginning of the day until after he returns from time traveling the second time and she’s in the hotel asleep. It’s so cute.

Best quote: “I wouldn't change one second of our life together.”

#3: Up/ Cars/ WALL-E


I do, in fact, have justification for making these listed as one position on my top 10 chart. What’s the thing in common? They’re all Pixar. That’s my only reason. Haha and if you don’t count it as a good enough reason…go suck it. Actually, 99% of Pixar’s movies I find amazing. Finding Nemo, The Incredibles, TOY STORY!…they all rock. Meh..I didn’t like Ratatouille very much…but that’s just me. I’m not a fan of French. Even though Phantom takes place in France…

Anyways…Okay. I’m not sure how I’m going to summarize this since there are three movies in this place. I’ll just do it this way.

UP: It’s cute…I cried within the first ten minutes of the movie but it was worth it. It’s so cute. And I love, love, LOVE Dug! …so does Nathan. Trust me…Nathan loves this movie I think more than I do. He constantly quotes it. And he gets put in the cone of shame a lot.  Anyways…awesome, cute, imaginative movie.  I think I like it because it reminds me of Nathan…the bond between Carl and his wife…it’s so sweet. Anyways…

Best part:  The beginning.

Best quote: “I do not like the cone of shame”

Cars: I’ve loved this movie from the beginning. My favorite character is Mater! He’s just adorably precious! I never get tired of watching it. I don’t know what to say about it which is surprising since I love it so much. I don’t know the story line is cool and the fact that Lightning changes in the end is precious. And there’s a second movie coming out! I’m excited!!

Best part: Tractor tippin’!

Best quote: …I love Mater. I like all his quotes. Like when he first meets Lightning and he’s surprised Mater doesn’t know his name. Mater says “No, uh... no, I know your name. Is your name Mater too?”

But looking up quotes in this movie, one of my favorites is “Fly away Stanley. Be free!” ..Filmore the hippie van said it haha

WALL-E: …If this robot were human, I’d totally marry him. What a devoted sweetheart! When he met Eve and she shut down, he was by her side no matter what. It’s so sweet! A robot’s unconditional love…Ahhh. It’s such a good movie, and another one that had a bazillion lessons to take from it.

Best part: I really like the part where he takes Eve to his house and is showing her everything. And I find it hilarious when she tries to dance and wrecks parts of his house XD

Best quote: “Eeeeeeeva”

#2: Scott Pilgrim VS The World

…okay. So I never knew on the cover it said “An epic of epic epicness.” I think it’s amazing. Like…completely amazing. It makes me love the movie even more. This movie is awesome. It’s set up like a video game and it’s just…fantastically done. I love every second of it. Extremely hilarious XD My favorite character is Wallace. He’s so funny and awesome.

Best part: I don’t know. I really don’t know. I just think the whole movie is awesome.

Best quote: “We are Sex Bob-Omb and we are here to make you think about death and get sad and stuff!”

…or “It’s time to break out the L-word” “Lesbian?” “The other L-word” “Lesbians"?”

#1: The Stand/ The Shawshank Redemption

So. Both Stephen King movies. Both fucking amazing.  Wow.

The Stand: In short, it’s about the world ending. And good and evil. I don’t really feel like writing out a whole synopsis. This miniseries is a good 6 hours long, but it’s entirely worth it. Wow. I love Larry…and Stu…hehe.

Best part: Wow…I love a lot of parts!! It’s so long too so there is a lot of awesome parts =3 But yeah. If I had to pick a favorite part…I’d probably say. Meh. I can’t pick. Don’t make me!

Best quote: “M-O-O-N, that spells Tom Cullen”

The Shawshank Redemption: This is one of Nathan’s favorite movies too. Anyways, it’s such a good movie. Like…it has everything in it. And unlike a lot of Stephen King things it has a happy ending. And it has Morgan Freeman in it so it has to be good.

Best part: When Andy breaks out. Duh.

Best quote: ..the one at the end of the movie. Where Red is telling the Parole board why he should get parole. It’s awesome.


So..there you have it. A list of my Top 10ish favorite movies of all time. They’re all so good, so if you haven’t seen them, go watch them. Even if you don’t like the genre that they’re part of.

16 May 2011

My Poor, Neglected Blog


Sooo this font is called Palatino Linotype.  And I say it so it kind of rhymes.  Like…Pah-lah-tee-no Lee-no-type.  I don’t know if that’s how it’s supposed to be said or not. But that’s how I say it and I think it sounds cooler that way.  I don’t have a long rant about this font…but I like it. I like it quite a lot and I’m not quite sure why.

So, now, on to the blog.

My dearly beloved followers…we are gathered here today to rekindle the spark that is known as Perspective of Irrelevance.  You see, I looked at my past post, and realized that the last time I posted something was 1 1/2 months ago.  How the hell does 1 1/2 months go by without me writing a blog?!  Well. Easy.  The one word answer is school.  School is the root of all evil at this point.  I’m a senior in high school and apparently the last two months of ones high school career is filled with projects and lots of things to do.  So, I’ve been working on those.  Along with that, I’ve also gone on various field trips; I spent a day in NYC, and spent a lovely 4 days in Orlando, Florida.

What’s that? You want to hear about NYC? Well I’ll be glad to tell you!

I’d tell you about Florida too…but there’s not much to tell. Heat. Disneyworld.  Disney. Awesomeness. You get the idea.

But NYC…that’s another story! 

Once upon a time…I woke up at 4 in the morning to get ready to go to NYC.  At 5:30 we boarded a charter bus and made the journey up through Pennsylvania, spending all of 5 minutes in New Jersey, and then traveling through the Lincoln Tunnel into New York City.

On a side note, every time I see the Lincoln Tunnel, I don’t think of Buddy the Elf (well, I do think of him, but I think of him second and not first).  I think of Stephen King first and foremost.  In his book The Stand, there’s a scene that involves the Lincoln Tunnel. So when I went through it, that’s all I could think about.  Oh, and if you haven’t read that part in The Stand…and if you travel through the Lincoln Tunnel a lot…I don’t fully recommend it. I mean, I think it’s awesome…but I love Stephen King and his creepy death-filled stories.  But some don’t.

Okay. So in NYC, we toured Radio City Music Hall and went to the Public Library and then went shopping and ended the day seeing Phantom of the Opera.

And if you know me well enough…seeing Phantom changed. My. Life.


Now Phantom is like one of my favorite things ever created and I find it utterly spectacular! I’m practically obsessed.  It’s one of those performances that has everything! It has a love story plus a dude who murders people!  It’s so amazing…and I love the Phantom. I totally would have gotten with him in the end and not Raoul.  Because Phantom is amazing.  And he’s sweet despite his awkward creepyness. 

And that, in a nutshell, was NYC.

Oh. And guys kept hitting on me.  Which was really awkward since they were random black guys on the street.  On the same street block, I first had a guy call me ‘red’ and try to hit on me…and then later on down the same street block, someone said “Damn girl, you got some sweet curves.”

I honestly didn’t know how to respond to that.  My friend Jasmine though does a pretty good impression of my mouth agape in surprise and awe.  But it was quite an…interesting day to say the least.

So.  We went on school field trips.  And then after those were completed, we came back to Pennsylvania and I’ve spent the last few weeks slaving over a project for my AP Lit class.  I decided to make a quilt.

Simple enough right?

Well…it is…until you decided to hand-stitch Shakespeare quotes.

Still not too bad, right?

…Well…this is true…until you decided to do TWENTY quotes.

Oh yes. And you may think cross stitching is easy, but it’s very, very, very time consuming and made me want to claw my eyes out on several occasions.  This weekend though, I finally got all the quotes stitched and I had to make the quilt.

Which, you know, would have gone a lot smoother if the stupid sewing machine didn’t break! I was pissed.  Well, not pissed. Just a total wreck.

So I took the project to school 2/3 of the way done and the teacher still seemed to like it.  If I don’t get a good grade on it though…I might go a little bit cuckoo…

If I’m not already.

Which, I know I am. Haha.

But, that project is taken care with, thank goodness, so now (hopefully) I’ll have some free time on my hands to rant on about things that don’t really need to be said.  And make you guys laugh. Sometimes. 

I am very sorry…I don’t know how many of you are dying from lack of awesomeness…but I will try very hard to write more.

But just to let you guys know, prom is this Saturday…and then graduation is the 7th of June…and then it’s summer.  So yeah.  Not much really going on until then. Except finals. But finals schminals right?


Fun time.

So. I think I’m going to write another blog now…this was more just a catch-up/apology blog but I hope my avid readers will appreciate it.

…I don’t think I used avid right. But it sounded cool.