14 May 2012

My Favorite Movie Scenes (To Date)

Hello everyone! I know it’s been a long time, and I’m not going to tell you that I’m going to try my hardest to post once every…month or something, but I will post when I can.  Anyways, catch up: I’m done with my Freshman year of college and now am home for the summer.  We cool?  Good.  Now onto the blog!

Everybody has those scenes in movies that they just love and I am by no means an exception to that.  Whether I find the scene funny, reflective, sexy, or just plain awesome, I do have a reason (most of the time) as to why I enjoy it, and I just thought I’d share with you my opinions on good ol’ movie scenes.  So here we go!

Ten Things I Hate About You
Patrick sings Can’t Take My Eyes Off of You

Why I love it?  Well, besides the fact that he is extremely hot in this movie, it’s cool to see him putting himself out there to impress a girl.  Plus his smile just melts my insides… I mean, come on! If a guy did that for me, I’d marry him on the spot!  Potentially…

Dirty Dancing
Johnny teaching Baby the dance moves while Hungry Eyes plays

Why I love it?  Well, come on! It’s such a sexy scene, and the music choice proves it!  I mean, learning to dance and trust your partner that much (even though she couldn’t do the lifts…haha) it’s quite intimate.  And Patrick Swayze…ah…
Okay, I won’t go ga-ga over my choices anymore.  Well, I’ll try to keep it to a minimum. 
Oh, and another thing!  This scene definitely trumps the “Nobody puts baby in a corner” scene.  The first time I watched the movie I was waiting for it, and it was just a total letdown.  I mean, yeah it’s a cute line but I don’t see what’s so fantastic about it.  It just didn’t capture my attention the way the rest of the movie did.

A League of Their Own
Jimmy yells at Evelyn, aka, “There’s no crying in baseball!”

Why I love it?  It’s hilarious!  I mean, for one thing, the way he says it just makes me think of Woody from Toy Story which makes me giggle in that itself.  Another thing…I didn’t like Bitty Scramm on Monk (I thought she was WAY too mean to Monk. Natalie was so much better).  But it’s just so funny.  I think it’s one of the best lines ever, and I don’t know how recognized it is, but I think it’s just so funny.  Also, the continuation where Tom Hanks starts to talk back to the Ump is hilarious, with the line, “Did I ever tell you you look like a penis with a little hat on?” Just throws me into hysterics because I think it’s true! And funny.  It’s just an all-around good scene.  And if you haven’t seen this movie, it’s totally worthwhile!

The opening scene; Carl and Ellie’s life together
Warning: If you haven’t seen this before, you may cry.

This is one of my favorite scenes of all time, if not my absolute favorite.  I mean, Pixar sums up life in a few minutes, without even using words.  Every time I watch this scene I cry.  It’s so heart-wrenching, and the perfect way to start an excellent movie.  I mean, they go from up to down to up again, just like life is.  You can see the love and admiration in each other’s eyes, and it’s just so impressive.  This is also me and Nathan’s movie (and yes, we had a movie before we had a song lol) so it has that kind of connection for me.  But the scene itself…it’s…perfect.

The Lion King
Rafiki hits Simba with his staff

Why I love it?  Okay, honestly, this is one of the best lessons I have ever learned in my entire life.  I mean, seriously, it puts everything in perspective for me.  Rafiki is right.  The past is in the past.  It can still hurt, but you can learn from it.  It’s such a good lesson.  Plus, Rafiki is crazy and awesome.  And the Lion King is still one of the best movies of all time.

The gopher

Why I love it?  Because he’s adorable!  Okay, I know it’s weird that I would like this movie…but honestly, I love it.  I don’t like Rodney Dangerfield like…at all, but I really do love this movie for some reason.  Maybe it’s the fact that it’s so different from the other things that I like.  And honestly, there are other good parts in this movie that I love (like Bill Murray talking about dead varmit poontang lol) but I don’t know. There’s just something about this movie I love.  Oh! I just thought of another scene from it I should post!

Yes, of course it’s the pool scene.  Haha man…this is such a good movie!

Ferris Bueller’s Day Off
…The whole movie.

Why I love it?  This is an awesome video that pretty much sums up my feelings.  One line that was missed that I loved was when Jennifer Gray says “Scrotum!” in reference to Ferris.  Awesome movie.  Just plain awesome.  The 80’s rocked.

Sixteen Candles
“What’s happening hot stuff?”

Why I love it? This scene still makes me laugh.  It’s a good movie, and I know this really isn’t an important scene in the movie, but it makes me laugh every time I watch it.

Raising Arizona
Diaper chase scene

Why I love it?  This scene makes me laugh SO hard for SO many reasons! I mean, for one, Nicholas Cage is ridiculous in this scene.  For two, the song just…fits this movie so well.  And for three…god it makes me laugh!!! If you haven’t seen Raising Arizona, you should definitely see it at least once through, because it really is a hilarious movie.  At least to me.

Young Frankenstein
“Put the candle back!”

Why I love it?  It’s just plain humorous!  This whole movie is funny! I mean, I seriously love it.  (I guess I wouldn’t post scenes from a movie if I didn’t like it…but regardless) It’s so funny.  So much crude humor delivered in a colorful way.  Classic movie, classic scene.

Best Little Whorehouse in Texas
Dolly Parton, “I Will Always Love You”

Why I love it?  It’s so honest.  I love this version twenty times more than I like Whitney Houston’s, because this one is simple and honest, and it’s her voice.  It’s just a good scene.  And a good movie.  Somewhat inappropriate, but still I love it.  But then again, I have a soft spot for Dolly…and good ol’ country-themed movies in general.

Fried Green Tomatoes
Evelyn gets enlightened and ballsy!

Why I love it?  It just makes me happy for Kathy Bates.  I mean if you saw the rest of the movie, you’d know how much she was walked on, and I love that she just let herself go.  Good for her! She deserves it!

“That’ll do pig, that’ll do” & James Cromwell singing

Why I love it?  I just love this whole movie, but these two scenes take the cake for me.  I really love James Cromwell in this.  He’s a good actor, and I love his character.  And the fact that even when everyone was laughing at him, he still had faith in himself, and in Babe.  Plus, border collies. 

Jerry Maguire
Jonathan Lipniki being awesomely adorable and funny

Why I love it?  So precious.
Why I like this movie?  The scene where Tom Cruise is in the car and is singing to Free Fallin’

Austin Powers: Goldmember
The checkup scene

As you can tell, I have a very…wide range of movies that I enjoy.  And Austin Powers is NO exception.  This scene in particular is so funny!  The whole movie though is hilarious, so if you have the time, check it out.  You may regret it, but hey, comedy is comedy!

And that’s where I’ll end this!  I am 99.999% sure I will end up making another one of these in the future, so I hope you enjoyed watching some of my favorite movie scenes!

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