08 March 2011

Monkey Velociraptors?

I would just like to make it known that this is my favorite font in the whole wide world. And now on to our story.
So it’s kind of funny how the title of this post came to be. Well, not the title literally (that came about because of the story...which came about because of the funny random topic that I will talk about).

You see, like most nights, I end up talking to my boyfriend.  And by most nights, I mean every. single. night.  It’s just the way it is with us. We’re creepishly addicted to each other almost.  It’s weird. Very weird.

Anyways we used to talk on the phone every night.  Well, that was, until my phone decided to be a total dickhead and die. And by die, I mean that I abused it so much that it wouldn’t charge anymore.  You know the connector part of the phone where you plug in the charger? Yeah. Somehow I managed to destroy the charger-adapter-adder part of my phone.  I’m very destructive with technology and I’ll never learn.

But you know it’s a good thing that happened. Because we first discovered that my msn doesn’t let me do most things with webcams/microphones, but some nights, I got lucky enough that it let us use microphones to talk on msn.  And then we discovered Skype one night when the mics weren’t working. And now we love Skype.  I have a funny story to tell later on Skype. Actually, I think I’ll just make a whole post about my boyfriend in the future *Makes mental note to self*
Shit. I am so ADD. Back to the story.  So one night before all this happened we were talking on the phone. And we talk about a lot of things and we were talking about DNA.

Let’s do a mini lesson on DNA! (Mainly to make my biology teacher proud to know that I actually learned something in his class. Even though he’ll never read this) (And this further proves I have bad ADD. Even when writing a simple blog post. But you figure, my blogs would be boring and much shorter if I didn’t do so many rants/side stories/additions, so you should be thanking me) (And actually, just as a third note, this post is actually taking me a lot longer than usual. And they usually take a long time to begin with because I can’t focus on one thing for too long.  But this one for some reason is taking me extra-long. Because I’m talking to my boy, half-playing a puzzle game, facebooking, looking up music, etc…and then keep remembering I’m writing a blog too and come back to add more)

Wow. In that long paragraph I didn’t talk about DNA at all. Kudos to me!

Okay so DNA.  The abbreviation stands for Deoxyribonucleic Acid.  This is the basis of everything’s existence.  It is formed of proteins, which consists of polypeptide chains in a set conformation.  The basis of these polypeptide chains are amino acids.  Yay! I feel smart! And you all know what a double-helix looks like.  If you don’t, I’ll link you to a DNA double-helix. And this picture is cool because you can see how each piece in the strand fits together!

Okay. So that night that I was talking to my boyfriend, I was being really random and dorky like I normally am, and said something along the lines of “our DNA can only be combined if we have kids! And if we don’t, both of our DNA’s will be combined in our monkey-velociraptor.”

Yes, that’s right. I had said it.  I had randomly blurted out the most odd combination of a creature ever to be created.  And it’s funny to think about.  And a monkey-velociraptor could contain both me and my boyfriend’s DNA because we would combine the DNA and mix it with some mosquito blood that contains velociraptor DNA and mix all that with monkey blood.  This 4-part mixture would then be inserted into an egg that doesn’t have a nucleus, and therefore, it would serve as the nucleus, fertilizing the egg, and then…then my dear friends…it would grow into a monkey-raptor!

So I decided to talk about this.  And then I wanted to create it.  And because I don’t have photoshop, you’re just going to have to use your imagination to think that my creature is real (and when I eventually DO get photoshop (or someone miraculously buys me it) then I will recreate an even better monkey-raptor).
But anyways I was Google velociraptors and I came across this picture…

Now…I will tell you what this picture says to me, and you can either agree, or disagree.
The thing that comes to mind when I see this picture is that he looks like he’s trying to be a ‘gangsta’ as the lingo goes.  I mean seriously he looks like he’s about to bust out in an awesome, dino-lingofied rap.  Therefore, I have named this creature the…
wait for it…

The Rapper Raptor!

I know I’m totally right on target with this idea…and I know you’ll love it just as much as I do.
So anyways I’ll show you my two versions of my monkey-raptor that are crude and truly unrealistic, but still amusing.  Oh…I’ll also draw a monkey-raptor if/when I get my tablet PC that I am saving up for as of…now. Wait…now. Okay….NOW!

Phew. Okay. Pictures.

MonkeyRaptor V1
I liked this one because it looks feathery and almost like a monkey. I just couldn’t find a good enough monkey head.  But it’s okay. LIke I said! When the future of photoshop is within my grasp…then I will be able to do it even better!

And here’s my second version
MonkeyRaptor V2

And my second version in it’s natural habitat
V2 MR Natural habitat
Ahh…I think the second version has my boyfriend’s teeth.  But it has my eyes…
It’s so beautiful

Okay. Not really. But I can dream!

Our monkey-raptor will be so loving and amazing and will have so many friends…

Or…will have no friends…

But it’s okay. I love it! And now you realize just how random I am.  I think this is my most spastic blog thus far in my blogging career, but I know you love it.

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