29 June 2011

Transition Blog!

Okay so this blog is going to be very short.  Which I know will make some of you guys very happy, and others of you will be quite sad.  But have no fear!

I just thought I’d tell you I’m going to start something new with my blogs.  As you may or may not have known, along with doing blogs I also make youtube videos.  So, I thought instead of always having to go from one site to the other, I would just take all my youtube videos I create and put them in my blog!  Those blogs will be quite short…I’ll probably just write a short intro or whatever so you know what’s going to be in the video. 

I hope you guys like it.  I’ve neglected my youtube videos a lot in the past…year.  So I need to get that back in motion while I still can (AKA while it’s still summer) and I thought just posting them into my blogs would be a great way to advertise for both (=

Okay. That’s it! I told you this blog entry would be short (=

20 June 2011

Random Pictures I Found On My Computer

So. As you may or may not know…this font sucks.

Hmmmm okay that’s a little better. This font is Candara. Cool, eh?

So. There’s a folder on my computer known as “Stuff to be added to blog”

I just never actually end up getting around to adding it TO a blog…because a lot of the things are random and have nothing to do with each other. But, to keep from never ever putting them in a blog, I’m just going to put them all right here in this entry…and then maybe explain them if I have to.

=d…I don’t excactly remember when I drew this…but I’d say it looks fairly decent…doesn’t it? Especially after drawing it in a matter of 0.343 seconds.


This made me giggle…so I took a screenshot of it. Because it PROVES that I’m awesome.


Isn’t this adorable? I drew it allll by myself.

Well, I mean I looked at a few pictures to make sure I was drawing it right, and I think it turned out so cute!!! I’m awesome!!!


I drew this picture because it was a time when Nathan and I were drawing pictures back and forth. And I’m addicted to Tetris. So yeah haha I drew a tetris thingy. It doesn’t look amazing, but it does look like someone could have been playing it….except the rows that are full didn’t disappear…yet. Buahahaha. And they never will.

That’s the bad thing about pictures; they’re stuck in time.

We read a poem in my English class about that…I forget who it was by…Keats! I think it was by Keats anyways. Yeah…it was about a Grecian Urn. Very deep. Check it out sometime. If you like poetry. And if you don’t like poetry, oh well. Sucks to be you.



Ehhh this is how I spent my free time a few months ago. My friend Aly would show me a picture and I would edit it and make it better lol. This chicken just got tattoos…and chocolate. And a party hat.


This is Judd. Lol. I think Judd is a crossdressing puffer fish. I have no idea why he came up in conversation, but his picture was found, and this was the result.. I guess he’s pretty?


…this is Tacoman. I don’t know whether I call him a success or not. All I did was give him a belt, light his finger on fire, give him purple highlights…and give him a puppy. Meh. Oh! I gave him chicken pox too.

Picture of Awesomeness

This picture is probably my best work ever. I did it for Nathan’s mom.

…Soooo The X-Files is the best show in the whole world (I’ll have to rant about that sometime) and so I made a picture of an abduction.

Don’t you love the awesome cows? :D I know you do…be jealous.

I colored in the aliens myself…made the UFO on my own…and put all the stars in the sky. Yup. I am. The shiz.

Soooo these are just…yeah. They’re me. Most of them are completely me, some of them are edits and some are just….I don’t know. But I hope you enjoyed these. I randomly draw things so there may come a time when I do another blog like this one. Until then…


My ADD Moments Get Me Nowhere…


Sooooo this fon is….way too small. Hah! I bet you can’t even read it!

Ahhh that’s….not much better…

o.O  Okay. This is better. Haha it has to be 18 font to be legible…but not a bad thing, right?

Wow this is a pretty font (called Arabic Typesetting) but when you type more than one line, the lines are really spaced out! I don’t think I can handle that….

I’m going to change the font. Hmmm I wonder if this font looks any better when it carries over to another line. Yup! It does. So. The font I guess I’ll be using for this blog is called Andalus. I just randomly choose a font and went with it. It’s awesome, isn’t it?

So. Onto my blog.

As you may have noticed, I kind of have an undiagnosed case of ADD.  I can’t stay focused on one topic for too long. I basically write like I type, and when I think of another thing to say, I tell my audience that thing.  I guess it would be a lot easier to read and a lot more professional if I left all the extra stuff out, but by keeping it in, I think it makes it more amusing and entertaining to people.  So I do it.

But this case of ADD (that I haven’t gone to a doctor about or anything because it’s not a huge life hindrance or whatever) it causes a lot of issues for me.

Best example: Any procrastination I have ever experienced has been caused by this ADD.  Which is cool at the time…and then you realize a project that was assigned a month ago is due…the next day. But this just proves I’m awesome under pressure and can pull stuff out of thin air and get good grades on them.

And this blog is another good example! Wait…I already said my blogs are examples of my ADD…but I mean it in a different way this time.  For this blog, I started it at about 5:00 pm….and now it’s….2:40 am…and this is all the farther I’ve gotten to. But in that time, I’ve also earned a few badges on a game website, watching The Shawshank Redemption, caught up with some awesome people, talking to my boyfriend on the phone….and….that’s about it. So yeah. I’m not much better off now than I was 5 hours ago. Ehhh no big deal.

But this summer…phew! I haven’t gotten anything accomplished! This summer was supposed to be filled with reading stuff and adventures and cleaning my room!

…the first week of summer I DID go swimming pretty much every day…but now….I’ve spent the past week in my house (except for my friend’s grad party yesterday) and haven’t done anything.

Oh wait. I have done something!

I spent 4 days watching every single video Smosh made.

Smosh is awesome. They’re so entertaining. And they make me laugh. So major kudos for them and their awesomeness.  You should check them out >_>  Woo free advertisement!

Oh. Yeah. I did something else too…Oh yeah. I caught up on The Vampire Diaries.  and Glee.  Don’t judge me.

Anyways….I was going to clean up my room, but I keep putting it off because…well…it’s going to take a lot of effort to clean it up, and frankly, I never have the energy to tackle such a feat. And actually, I’m surprised I’m still awake now because it’s almost 3 in the morning and I’m still conscious!

Wow…this blog is just a huge waste of time…and me talking about things that probably don’t even matter to you guys. Oh well. I know I say I’ll write more blogs than never do…but I’m kind of in the mood to write some blogs…so I’ll look on my computer, find some random stuff to talk about, and write about it!  Buahaha! Not that anyone will read my stuff at 3 in the morning, but you never know!