06 February 2011

Let's Talk About Blogging, Shall We?

This blog is probably going to be pretty boring, but at this point, I don't really care.
I've had a rough day attempting to figure out how to make my blog page prettier.
"But Sarahh," you may say, "it already looks so amazing, why would you want to make it even better?" Well, my friends, it's because that's how awesome I am. And I'm kind of OCD/ADD/ABCDEFG and all the other letters in between, so I have the need to make what already looks awesome, look awesomer. (Bad grammar, but roll with it)
So, I was looking on other people's blogs today and saw how amazing they were. And that, of course, made me want to make mine look awesome too.
So I decided to learn how to use html codes on this site.
...I failed.
I've been trying for over two hours just to make a copyright image work, and of course, it says that you can't use an IMG tag whenever you post that, so I don't know how the other bloggers do it. I guess they're just a lot more awesome than I am.
Update: I figured out the way around it. It just took some time. I know I have my awesome moments 
I've run out of patience...for now. But knowing me, a few hours from now I'll be right back at this point, even more frustrated than I am right now, and still getting nowhere.

So, that's my first little rant about blogging.  The next is what happened to me yesterday.  It was simply deciding on a name.  Now, you may think choosing a blog name is easy, but when you are indecisive and really don't know how in the hell to make up your mind, it might take you hours to decide which name you want.  Last night I had my blog names narrowed down to these four: "Life on Pause", "Faint Stupidity" (which I think I'm going to use as the name of one of my blog posts one of these days soon), "Irrelevant Awesomeness", and "Perspective of Irrelevance".

From there, I decided to ask people what they thought was coolest, and in the beginning, Life on Pause was getting the most votes. Then someone on a chat site said that it was the name of a book or vlog or something and stole my thunder.  I googled it anyways and didn't find much, but I was afraid of copyright infringement so I decided to disregard that title completely. I thought yay. Only three to choose from now! I'm actually getting closer to making a decision. And then I had three. Faint Stupidity wasn't really my biggest option because I'm not really stupid. Although originally yesterday my boyfriend told me he liked that, which really meant "Your blog should be called that because I think you are faintly stupid". But I'm not stupid. Not really anyways. I'm just dorky.

So then, I had it narrowed down to either Irrelevant Awesomeness, or Perspective of Irrelevance.  Either way I realized that by having these two titles, only people who were at least 25% smart would read the blog, because you have to kind of understand what the word 'irrelevant/irrelevance" means to want to read the blog.  So at least I know that somewhat intelligent people would want to read it. And then I couldn't decide. I kept asking people and every other person was going back and forth between the names.
And then at one point I was talking to my boyfriend and said "I was going to use Perspective of Irrelevance and then someone else said I should use Irrelevant Awesomeness instead."
Then he was like "Go for Perspective of Irrelevance"
And I said "Okay!" and Viola! My decision was made.
But I can't claim all the credit for choosing on my own. My boyfriend kind of had to choose for me. Which I'm not completely against.

So then I was happy because I was indecisive all day and at like 10:00 last night the decision was made. So then I went through making my first blog. And being really..spastic in the process. But I think the blog is cool. And this blog seems boring in comparison. But that's not my fault. I just don't have anything interesting to say, except to complain about how I don't understand HTML codes. By the way, if anyone does understand them, could you help me please? It would be extremely appreciated and I would draw you an amazing picture and love you forever. If you want to be loved forever, and get an awesome picture, you should help me.

Uhhhmm that's it!

Update: Boyfriend was very offended about what I said about him. He said "Now i feel bad. and look bad to the whole internet! The internet is going to judge the shit out of me now!"
So, just to clarify, boyfriend is a wonderful caring creature. Mostly. And he's not bad or anything so if you get that impression from this, it's not completely true.

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