06 February 2011


Wow. That's a super cheesy way to start off my first blog. But I really don't know what else to say. I'm just kind of testing everything out to see how everything looks when it's done. And then I'll go on from there. So, let's start off with the basics. Hello to whoever decided to venture off in the world of blog-reading to read this. I'm Sarahh. Well, my birth certificate specifies that my name is Sarah, but I think that's way too common, so I had to put another 'h' on my name. And Sara is never an option. It's just a horrible way to spell Sarah. It's an unbalanced name. How so? Well when capitalized, the name Sarah is big-little-little-little-big, whereas Sara is just big-little-little-little. It's scientifically shown therefore that Sarah is better. And Sarahh is even better. Because 2 h's are better than one. Okay so you know my name after that rant. And you should realize by this name that I am a girl. If I was a boy I would pity myself and not have gone to the trouble of explaining why Sarahh is better than Sarah is better than Sara.

And at this point in my blog I am going to take a short break and try out the different features this site has to offer. Call me a dork if you wish, but I will call it awesome.  Big font small font  BOLD Italicized Bold Italicized Underlined Bold Italicized Underlined aaand strikethrough! Cooleo. What else is there? Arial Courier Georgia Helvetica Times Trebuchet Veranda.  I kinda like Georgia. Oh text color! Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Another shade of blue Purple Pink Pink on black purple on black blue on black other blue on black green on black yellow on black orange on black red on black. Black on red black on orange black on yellow black on green black on blue black on other blue black on purple. this is more noticeable than i thought it'd be! black on pink Okay. 

What else is there...Oh I can add a link
and a picture

 and a video 

Change the alignment to center
Or right
or to justified. which doesn't really work unless you write enough words to cover up a line. It still doesn't really work actually. But I probably won't worry about it anyways.

  1. can
  2. make
  3. a
  4. numbered
  5. list

  • or 
  • do
  • bullets
  • instead

I can also quote things. Which pretty much just indents them a bit XD

Hmm that seems about all I can do.

And that my friends I believe is how I"m going to end this first blog. Don't worry; the blogs will get better and more interesting. But until then, in the fine words of Forrest Gump, 
That's all I have to say about that 

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