28 February 2011

Let’s talk about Graduation Projects..

Truth be told I haven’t written a blog entry in a few weeks.
Well, if you actually pay attention I shouldn’t have to state that, but since I’m not the most popular person in the world, no one would think that I’m dead or anything anyways.  Then again, those few who did decide to read my blog might think that I gave up blogging, or they found it boring waiting for me to write another awesome yet random blog and just forgot about me completely.
Anyways, one of the reasons for my absence is what’s known in this lifetime as a…
Graduation Project
-lets out a shrieky-yell-
Wait Sarahh! Back up!….you’re going to talk about something serious for once?”
Why yes my friends. Yes I am.  Be rest assured that I will end up talking about random things about 75% of the time, but the other 20% will be devoted to talking about something that is worthwhile to read. Not that my other blogs aren’t worthwhile, but the 20% stuff will be for people who want to actually spend quality time reading something good online. I realize this still leaves another 5%, but I want to leave that 5% open for any other blog I decide to write that is neither random nor worthwhile. Because you never know.
Back to my point. If you don’t know what Graduation Projects are….consider yourself lucky.  I myself wish I didn’t know what they are.  They are a requirement in our school system to graduate.
Which, personally, I find stupid.
Let’s look at things from this perspective.
Let’s say you were an awesome student.  You went through elementary, middle, and even high school with good grades—A’s and B’s—and you were a fairly good student who participated in school functions and extra-curricular activities offered to you throughout your educational career.
Let’s say you did everything right, and quite possibly wound up being in the top 10 graduating students.
Would it be fair then to keep that student from graduating simply for not passing a graduation project?
I think not.  I find the graduation project a complete and utter waste of time, and it serves no real purpose.
I doubt there’s really going to be a single person out there, years from now, who is going to say “Man…doing that graduation project back in high school really changed my life.” Because it won’t. There are a shitload of graduating seniors past and present who didn’t have to do a graduation project and are still up there in the world of today.  I bet Oprah or Bill Gates never had to do one, and look where they’re at now!
Not only are they a waste of time and energy, so much emphasis is put on them.  It’s over the top.  And the school almost gives the impression that it’s the most important thing you’re going to ever do with your life, and that’s just not going to be the case.
It almost seems to be an unspoken dislike among the general public and I haven’t seen it publically assessed.  But they are really stupid, and should be done away with.  Because it’s a lot of unneeded stress and strain on already busy high school students.

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